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Sunday, December 7, 2008

How to Write a Vision Statement

How to Write a Vision Statement

Write a Vision Statement in Three Easy Steps

A vision statement is your ticket to success. A photograph in words of your company's future, it provides the inspiration for both your daily operations and your strategic decisions.

Without a vision statement, effective business planning would be impossible; it's the vision statement that provides the destination for the journey, and without a destination, how can you plan the route?

If you don't have a vision statement, don't panic. I bet you do have a vision of what you want your business to accomplish; you just need to articulate and formalize it. Here's how to write a vision statement:

1) Examine your mission statement.

As I say in my mission statement definition1, a mission statement answers the question, "Why do we exist?" for a company. (I also give several sample mission statements in this article.) What is it you do well? How do you do it?

(If you don’t have a mission statement already, How to Write a Mission Statement2 will lead you through the process.)

2) Dare to dream.

Before you can travel to the moon you have to look up at the stars. To write a vision statement, focus on the basics of your mission statement and extrapolate; where is your business going to be five years from now? What will your company have accomplished?

Forming a mental picture will help. If you have trouble visualizing your business, mentally script your own news byte. Imagine that you, the CEO of your company, are being profiled on the news. What are you and your company being recognized for? For instance, if your current business involves yoga instruction, you might imagine yourself being featured on the news for opening your twelfth franchise.

3) Shape your vision statement; apply the formula.

Maybe when you were picturing the future of your company, you saw a whole list of achievements scroll by or imagined all sorts of disjointed clips. To write a vision statement, we need to distil your vision into a usable form. Use the following formula to shape your vision statement:

Five years from now, (my company name) will ___________________ by ________________________.

Using this formula to write a vision statement will force you to choose what you consider to be the most important accomplishment of your business and give you a time frame to accomplish it.

For instance, here's a sample vision statement:

Five years from now, Tiny Tots Diaper Service will be the top grossing diaper service in the Lower Mainland by consistently providing a reliable, affordable service for Moms and Dads with small children.

4) Commit to your vision statement.

·Take action to make your vision statement come true: Use it as the basis of your business planning.

As the vision statement provides your destination, the 'where you want to get to', all of your goals and strategies will focus on making it happen. It's the natural basis for all of your business planning.

·Keep your vision statement alive: Share it with potential partners, staff and employees if you have them.

If you just tell it to people once, your vision statement will fade and disappear. So besides talking about it, keep your vision statement alive by keeping it physically prominent. Print it out and post it on your desk, in your staff room, wherever you, your colleagues and your staff will see it (and be reminded of it) daily.

Is Your Vision Statement the Right One?

It isn't hard to write a vision statement. But it is sometimes difficult to write a vision statement that truly encapsulates your vision for your company. When you write your vision statement, make sure that you have chosen the vision that is most important to you. If you don't fully believe in your vision statement, you won't be able to fully commit to it and writing a vision statement that you can't or won't fully commit to is a waste of time.

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