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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Set up the tracking mechanism

Determine how to best collect the information that you will need to evaluate the campaign's effectiveness. If your business has multiple phone lines and you use different designs or offers for a postcard mailer, you might provide a different phone number, URL, or offer code to measure the response to each design.

If you offer gift certificates, you probably want to add unique tracking numbers. If you offer coupons and want to learn who redeems them and for what, you need to add a distinct coupon code to each coupon.

When you add a code to a gift certificate, you can associate an item from the inventory with the gift certificate and track that item. If you offer coupons, adding a unique code to each coupon can prevent customers from sharing copies of coupons. Adding unique codes to event invitations is seldom useful. You need to track only the customers' names. For more information, see Add tracking numbers to gift certificates or coupons.

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